Berkshire Consultancy
Our Team
Berkshire Consultancy has been transforming people’s experience of work for almost 30 years. We are committed to transferring knowledge, skills and best practice to make a real difference to your people and your organisation.
We are proud:
Of our award winning work delivering Beyond Boundaries, the UK Civil Service’s talent programme
To be Collaboration Partners for the UK’s largest infrastructure project, mobilising diverse, £multi-million programme teams.
To have worked with over 20 UK universities to support the development of their leadership, management and service provision.
To deliver proven, specialist products through our ‘off-the-shelf’ curriculum, providing DE&I and management development to thousands of people across over 40 Government Departments and Arm’s Length Bodies.
Leadership and Central Support

Sarah Hunter
Managing Director
Mike Robinson
Nic Baines
Fiona Tidd
Senior Consultant
Lara Symes
Project Manager
Natalie Marshall
Buisness Development
Sian Brandon
Project Manager
Sue Dewe
Business Manager
Sandra Buckley
Meet the Team
Our highly experienced and qualified consultants take pride in adding real value to organisations and individuals. In addition to our core team we can also call on the services of trusted Associates, where we need their particular specialist knowledge or sector expertise. This enables us to offer a flexible consulting model where we can act as advisor, coach, facilitator or hands-on contributor, as required.
Results focused and taking a holistic approach, our consultants have strong academic backgrounds coupled with broad sector knowledge and are passionate about service, quality and delivery. Many have held leadership positions themselves. From business processes and working practices to culture, values and behaviours, we can provide the skills and experience to deliver the outcomes our clients require.
The Berkshire Way
Our 3-step way of working
Our Collaborative Approach
This permeates our relationship with our clients from first contact right through to completion and evaluation, and we seek to build internal capability as an added value. Our most successful projects and programmes are those where we work closely with you, our clients, in determining your needs, designing the programme and delivering it together.
Where it makes sense for us to do so, we tailor our initiatives to the organisation and the individuals involved and place our client at the centre of all our activities. This has been recognised in awards won by Berkshire over the years.
We also offer a suite of high quality, high impact ‘off the shelf’ products that reflect the needs of a changing workforce, including workshops on Neurodiversity and wider D&I areas, Leading Remote Teams and supporting other critical leadership skills, driving your talent initiatives and Leading Accelerated Change.
Our Delivery Style
We want the work to be fun as well as challenging, to go beyond usual expectations, break down preconceived limitations and explore different possibilities. We seek to blend courage, honesty and humour to get to the heart of the matter, and by being both supportive and provocative, our intention is to bring out the very best in you and your people, as a trusted advisor.
Measuring the impact of what we do
We put in place effective measures to assess the value of our programmes or initiatives. This starts in the design phase by articulating the expected outcomes and understanding the full intended implications of the programme. Creative measurement helps focus the work and identify sources of additional value.

A selection of Berkshire clients

Client Work
Our client work takes us all over the world, across public and private sectors, from family businesses to government departments and international corporations on topics as diverse as top team development, positive action programmes in diversity, leadership and talent development and performance improvement initiatives, effective governance and a wide range of change programmes.
We value our client relationships and never take them for granted. We recognise the need to continue to earn the right to work with you, by demonstrating our commitment and the value we deliver. There are clear principles that underpin how we develop and maintain strong client relationships- some stretching back almost 20 years!
We help people under real pressure deliver results that make a lasting difference.

ConsultancyONE HR Framework – This framework provides strategic, broad based advice government wide across a range of disciplines and functions to support, guide and provides innovative solutions to public sector customers. Services have been categorised into 15 lots, Berkshire Consultancy is on Lot 3.2 – Functional Advice and support for Human Resource Management.
Health Trust Europe – is underpinned by world-leading expertise and best practice: aligned to support its members to achieve consistently superior quality, safety, services and best pricing that is needed to deliver enhanced patient care and financial sustainability.
Other frameworks include:​
University of Bath
Sheffield Hallam University
HS2 Collaboration Framework
University of Nottingham
HealthTrust Europe
Northern East Universities’’ Procurement Collaborative / Delta (NEUPC)
NHS Solent Hospitals Trust
Environment Agency
House of Commons Coaching Framework (through Premier)